Saturday, February 12, 2011

The clock is ticking

Run, run, run, run faster!!

That's exactly what I feel like at the moment.  I feel like I'm being rushed to do everything now.  Being in a room full of cardboard boxes and all, I should really get into the mindset that I'm actually leaving this country, and I have to get myself sorted.

It's funny to think that this place, this country that I've lived in for the past 15 years is not going to be a home in a week or so.  Some great memories to be treasured and some painful memories that I want to bury.  It's full of my life.

So Singapore huh?? Who ever thought I would be in a country like that??  Will this job take me to where I want to go? I don't know, I guess I will find out one way or the other.

I just got an email from my agent last night telling me that my Visa is approved and my contract is attached, they want me over ASAP.  I was definitely getting myself scared reading through the contract. I feel like yelling "yikes, what did I get myself into???".  Forget about dancing, forget about exploring, I better stick my head right in there otherwise I'm going to lose my job - that's what it pretty much says on my contract.  Oh, and apparently no matter how long I've been working with the company, I'm only going to get a maximum of 14days annual leave. Yay, half of what we get in NZ.

I came back to this sleepy little town of Dunedin on Wednesday night and hit ceroc straight away, and it felt so good.  To be on the dance floor that I know so well and my feet just glides along the surface and not even having to think about how to dance, it just feel so great.  And also at Salsa social last night, people were happy to see me again, telling me that they missed our dancing, although I never quite liked the whole "community" feeling, I'm really liking it at this point in time.  I guess going to Auckland for a short while was kinda good.  It slightly prepared me in the way of what is expected for being in an unfamiliar place and all.  But then saying that, I was already feeling some stress up there although I have few friends and other people I know up there.  So when I get to Singapore with only 1 person that I know well is going to make things very interesting.  At the same time, if he's going through the same stress as well, it can't be the brightest idea to lean on him,  I don't want to make things worse.

Right, I have to stop blogging, it's time for me to pack my life for good.

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