Sunday, March 31, 2013

The Day Which "I Wish" Has Turned Into "I Will"

I always had a "I wish" list,

Just like anyone would.

But then I thought to myself.

"Why does it still need to be a WISH?"

I may not be the richest person in the world, but there is nothing stopping me from turning a "wish" into  "yes I will".

I was looking at buying some furnitures, and somehow, it didn't even occur to me to buy one second hand.

Maybe it's something I have forgotten about a bit from being in Singapore and Japan. Two countries where you hardly ever see a word second hand, other than some high end antiques ofcourse.

But as I flicked my favourite magazine, NZ House & Garden - the country living edition, I thought about the lovely fabrics I bought very recently, and how I could arrange my room closer to something I always wished I could have.

Sure, I'll need to buy some sand paper and do all the rustic appearance myself. But seriously, why not?

And I just got excited from there. Ok, so there are few furnitures I could buy for very cheap.... And I can def spend some money on changing the handles to something I like.

And also use some of the fabric I bout to make some mattresses and containers for me to use on top....

I may not be a millionaire, but I have a fortunate gift of imagination which my parents has passed on to me.

4 month in this new city, and I'm starting to like my life a little more.

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