Sunday, February 7, 2016

Value of friends

It's a sad truth, but sometimes you just need to accept the fact that some people just don't share the same value of the person as much as yourself do to them.

It doesn't matter how long I have know them for. If they have no desire to see me, talk to me, then are we actually friends?

I fear the things I will lose.

By actually looking at the truth, and making the decision based on facts, it's very easy for a person to be left with very little things.

Maybe that is why in Buddhism say that to part with this life, to loose all the greed and desire. To live and appreciate the full life.

I'm still learning to live a life to be happy on my on. To rely less on others. But I can't help to get more and more selfish as I know a person for longer and better.

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