If you needed to call someone, you called their home line. You don't get an answer if they are not home. And that's the way things were.
But now there is email, social media, cell phone txt, and multiple internet communication devices. When you break up with someone, it's so hard to completely cut communication now. And to think that deleting a number is hard enough, you have to do the process more than few times.
The last moment of our good bye still flashes in my mind so often.
I told him I'm not staying.
Yet he decided to stay in his denial,
That there is a problem, that cannot be solved.
He told me to come over tonight, and spend the last night together.
I cried and told him that's not going to happen anymore.
This is the end, and let me go, we shouldn't carry on like this.
But still, he left the house for a run with the words of
"We can talk about it tonight, and cuddle til the morning. I want to wake up next to you".
I still can remember the look in his eyes.
The sweet soft kisses that made me feel like a girl.
But this was it.
I walked off.
From his life.